Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sector 9 Sprocket Longboard

The Sector 9 Sprocket longboard is perfect for anyone looking for a freestyle/cruising board, or something for some light bombing. The Sprocket has 2 highly usable tails, so usable that you can actually ollie this board. They're great for popping onto and off of curbs, taking sharp corners, and of course manual, and shuv it tricks. This board is also made with 5 plys of maple and 2 layers of fiber glass which is highly durable and is sure to last you until you fall in love with another Sector 9.

The Sprocket comes with gullwing trucks, Sector 9 wheels, and grease ball bearings, all of which are great for freestyle and cruising. However, I would suggest picking up a harder wheel as it makes it easier to slide tricks across the ground if you don't land it perfectly. I would recommend this board to anyone looking for an awesome commuting board that they can fool around with in their free time. Or just a full on frestyle board that can take on mild hills.

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