Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sector 9 Quadrant Mini

The Sector 9 Quadrant is perfect for those looking for a great cruising board that can be fooled around on due to it's awesome kicktail and is highly portable and easy to stash away due to the fact that it's only 30" long. The shape and concave also make it a great ditch slashing board as you're sure not to catch a nose when dropping in to a ditch especially if it doesn't have much of a transition.

This board comes with sector 9 wheels, Grease ball bearings, and gullwing trucks. And all of these are great for whatever you could ever possibly want to do with this board. However, if you were to change anything I would suggest maybe picking up some bearings that have replaceable shields so you can clean them, as they'd last you a little longer but as far as speed goes you won't be compromising much by sticking with the Grease Balls, you'll probably just have to buy a new set in a couple of months if that. I recommend the Quadrant to anyone looking for an awesome cruising board that can be fooled around on, or for those of you who have to go through areas with heavy traffic. The shorter wheelbase on this board makes it super nimble and will help you maneuver through what ever comes your way.

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